Sunday, July 31, 2005

Things you see

What a week for sights to be seen.
Last weekend, I hung out in St Paul with friends. My best friend is leaving for Los Angeles fact...he's on the road now. ( I'm doing ok...I'll blog about him later)
So..I saw Wedding Crashers. Too funny. Vince Vaughn is quote "Swingers": money.
I saw:** a tree that smashed 2 compact cars outside of Perkins.
** ladies that shouldn't really be wearing knit/spandex capri pants - not to mention matching NASCAR t-shirts.
** the most divine COACH PURSE at the COACH Store.
** Fredricks of Hollywood in suburbia. Nice stuff mind you, but I'm going to hold out for the real deal when Mark is living in LA.
** A Motown/R&B band ( Danny's Reasons) that kicked ass. One of those hidden gems that hangs out in suburbia. Smooth grooves and some fierce rhythm. Anybody that can go from The Temptations to a wicked cover of Earth Wind and Fire's "Let's Groove" gets my props.
That was last weekend.
This week:
** Watching "Sex and The City" with my mom and her REALLY liking the show. ( She gets a kick out of Samantha dropping the F Bomb like a lady)
** A really really cute and charming waiter named Carl. We flirted BIG TIME. It happens when your table is the last of the evening and he happens to stop by and just chat because he can. I know where he serves as a full time job.( One of my favourite places - thank you, angels) Can you say "Marthini's"? I just might have to take the girls there for a night out.
** Mall of America. Enough BLING to make Brittney's Head blow up. We spent tons of time in Urban Outfitters just laughing. I saw a hand knitted ...well machines did this...IPod holder and a knitted Cell phone case. They were retailing for $16.00 each. Shit!!! I can whip those babies up in primo imported wool &in no time and much cheaper. Mark's got the business cards ready to go. And it's a thought.
** The Godiva Shop needs a manager. That's dangerous.
We ( all 6 of us and we were a motley bunch) went to Jillian's to play skee ball and bowl. We were all deciding whether to bowl or not and out walks this lady in Daisy Duke shorts, a halter, and high heeled sandals. She was also very enhanced. She was carrying 2 pairs of shoes and following behind her was a girl no more than 8 years old. This is what blew us away. (Her husband and other daughter were following and I'm not commenting about that now)
As a little girl...she was wearing a mini skirt, a spangly halter top, a lavender cowboy hat and a pair of high heeled boots that came to her knees. She looked like one of those BRATZ dolls come to life.
YES...I just looked in amazement and Hunter, my new friend, Angie's fiancee, said"
"If your not old enough to have pubic hair, you're not old enough to wear hooker boots."
Well said, Hunter. He then went on to say how he would raise his daughter if he had one.
This led to a very adult conversation between all of us and we realized that all of us were raised pretty Old School and know that our mothers would never let us leave the house dressed like that.
Oh it was an interesting night and we had fun.
Now I'm just wondering what I'm going to see next...

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bawm - a - Chicka - bawm - bawm...

This is my horoscope for this week
Capricorn Horoscope for week of July 28, 2005

There are at least 20 different kinds of kisses, and the ancient Indian book Kama Sutra describes ten of them. Loving gazes and caresses come in an almost infinite variety, and the 2600-year-old book identifies a few of each. As for sexual positions, the Kama Sutra provides insight into how to perform 84. In the coming weeks, I suggest you explore the Kama Sutra or a text like it, Capricorn, because your astrological assignment is to be ingenious and experimental as you push past the frontiers of your sexual wisdom.

Oh boy! Goodie for me!
Ok...does this mean I'm going to have sex soon? Does this mean I'm Going to meet someone that will explore this with me? Or will someone come back into my life? New Frontiers or old places revisited?
Like Dr Suess says, "OH the places you'll go!"
Book me on the next plane, train or automobile.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Sorting out stuff.

To quote the ever profound Bridget:
It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.

This is not necessarily true. Sometimes it all falls apart. Everything.
Ok in the words of the great Rilo Kiley:
Get a real job
Keep the wind to your back and the sun on your face
All the immediate unknowns
Are better than knowing this tired and lonely fate ...
Let's not forget ourselves good friend
I am flawed if I'm not free

I could go on about some of the horrific things that have happened lately. Things that “rock your world” and shakes a person to her very core. Job, health things, matters of the heart...all that life stuff.
I’ve bared my soul on many things here, but this is one thing that I keep close to me. It’s one thing that is so complicated that only I understand and can make sense of it and it is a mixture of a whole bunch of things that I’ve been conveniently putting a “band aid” on.
I’m fine. Really. You think I’m saying this.’s the truth. In fact I’ve listed a few things that are good things in my life:

** I’m working on getting a job. In fact I got a call back to interview with their corporate...which is good. Timing is off. It’s not until August 4th. This is a positive.
** One of my bestest friends is moving to LA at the end of the month. I will always have somewhere warm to go in the winter. And isn’t that where a few of my secret vices live...mmm. This is positive.
** I have a wonderful family and friends. # 3!
** My health is good. #4
** I got a surprise in my e-mail. V. good. V. positive and a huge boost. #5
** I am one hell of a strong woman. When I am thrown so many things...I somehow manage to continue doing what I need to do for myself. I’m pretty amazed at myself sometimes. and this is a good thing. #6

ok. There. Yes, I’m listening to that Rilo Kiley song...that is a whole different story. ( Yes the subject matter is interesting and I plead the 5th) Nothing for blog material...more or less it is going to be for my book. Yes, my book...something that I was told to do a while ago by a good friend. Now I just have more material...the names will be changed and some of the exact details, but would make a great story.
So...I’ve been given a timeline. 3 WEEKS. It was given to me...not by choice...but having a bit of time to think about it without being emotional, it is good. And it is necessary. It’s time to take care of me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This is my horoscope for the next week. I'm on the cusp of Sag and Cap so Iread both.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Pink elephants are usually invoked in the same spirit as flying pigs. Both are emblematic of silly fantasies generated by intoxication or an aberrant imagination. And yet the truth is that there are such beasts as pink elephants. Many of them live in India where the soil is red. They constantly spray dust on themselves to serve as a barrier against insects, and in so doing take on a permanent pink hue. Let's make those pink elephants your power animals in the coming week, Sagittarius. They'll be an inspiration as you start turning one of your seemingly unlikely or impossible dreams into a practical reality.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The astrological omens will soon favor a splashy union. It could come in the form of a wedding or a reworking of your marriage vows. It could mean an adventurous collaboration with a business partner or a deepened commitment to an old ally. You might even consider intensifying your devotion to an idea that inspires you or sharpening your concentration on a future event that will marshal your lust for life.

Pink elephants...weddings...dreams and devotion.
OK...I only see pink elephants when I have too many martinis. Weddings, umm...I've been a bridesmaid many times over. Dreams: They've been mighty wierd lately. Devotion: I've been humping it trying to find a job.
My take on all of this: Have a martini and a good talk with my close friends. Gain a bit more perspective and keep on keepin on.
And if I see pink elephants, that's just an added bonus.


I'm gonna whine right now.
I have a window unit AC. It's keeping up as best as it can and it could be a hell of a lot worse in my little hot box of a flat, but it is DING DANG HOT. At 5 pm...I made the mistake of checking out the town clock/themometer. It was 96.
Man...what was it at High NOON or one pm?!?
So, I"ve been limiting my time outside. I have this big water jug - like 64oz - and I've drank 2 already today. I don't even feel like eating. And this heat isn't going to go away for a while.
I'm gonna chill. That's what I keep telling myself...I'm gonna chill.
Well...remember when I was bitching about being too cold.
I got my wish. Be careful of what you wish for. HE HE!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Yippee and all that Jazz

My beautiful Aqua box is back and up!
I am part of the world again...I can rant and rave and tell my stories again.
I didn't get a software upgrade...I got this bad girl running.
And no, I have not befrended Bill Gates Yet...I know that I will someday be using a windows operated home computer, but until then...I"m going to be part of the 8% that embraces their Mac.
Oh I have things to tell too.
and I'm still standing.

On the Dole...again

Yep, I'm gainfully unemployed again.
I'm not that happy about it. It's bad juju at the moment. I got "laid off/let go" and told that although you can do the job, we are downsizing and your talents can be better used elsewhere.
Whatever. I don't think your boss swearing at you and dropping the F-bomb on you as he is berating you is a healthy place to be anyway. YES...he did that. He apologized to me, but there was a whole shift to the work dynamic ever since that day.
Plus...I have been activly looking for a new job and I think that one of them called to verify my employment. OOOps... c'est la vie.
Yes, I loved the music and I still have my students but because I have tits I am incapable of selling a guitar. I have no proof to be able to slap my boss's ass to the new millenium or in court, but subjugation runs rampant at the music store.
Bastard musicians.
So, I had an interview last week, 2 this week and one next...
The one next week is the one I REALLY REALLY want, but I'm not talking bout it because I don't want to be jinxed.
Say a prayer, light a candle or work the beads. Do whatever...please. I don't want to go and work at WalMart.

More me Now Revisited

I got another quiz from a friend so here goes it...

1) Name: Martha Emily
2) Sign? Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp. I am a creative control freak.
3) Age? A lady never tells. But I hit the back end of 30 this year.
4) Where do you live? In a upper level flat in an old home.
5) Where would you love to live? Madeline Island or Europe
6) What's your sexual orientation? Straight but not narrow.
7) Have you ever had an erotic experience with someone of the same sex? I plead the 5th - he he.
8) Would you do it again? Again...I plead the 5th he he
9) Do you have secrets? yes. ( See the above question)
10) Do you tell other people's secrets? NO, not unless there is a danger or harm involved with the secret.
11)Has anyone ever told your secrets? Yes and Karma will get them
12) What was it? Now, why would I tell a my secret here. You gotta get it out of me...
13) What's your fave genre of music? That’s tough. My life is defined by music. I love jazz, but I have a penchant for pop music
14) Your fave band? There's not enough room to put down all the names
15) Would you ever make a band and try to make it big? I would love to.
16) What would the name of your band be? It depends on who I am in it with and what we are playing.
17) What would your role in a band be? Chick singer
18) Would you ever "fool around" with someone even if you hardly knew them? To admit, Yes...
19) Are you a virgin? No
20) If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity? That is a story for another day and many glasses of wine
21) What do you like best about yourself physically? My eyes and my lips
22) Emotionally? My ability to empathize and not judge.
23) What do you like least about yourself physically? My weight and sometimes my height
24) Emotionally? I am impetuous.
25) Do you believe in any kind of god or fate? Oh Yes
26) Did you ever stray from your faith? I was the lone Lutheran kid that went to Catholic school and was sent to her parent’s Jewish friends house for the summer. I am a Zen Lutheran Kabbalhist .
27) Do you ever go to church? Sometimes. I haven’t found a church community that feels like home.
28) What do you believe is after death? We go to a place - heaven or a sanctuary. If we aren’t “finished”, we come back. I know that sounds very quirky, but I have met many “complete” people and “incomplete” people. Some people when they die, I know that they are a “whole” person. Some have stuff left to do.
29) Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes - see above.
30) Who was your first love? Mike Besse at the age of 13. A summer romance...we met at the pool
31) Did you guys ever go out? Yes, we went to the movie.
32) Kiss? Yes - as I blush
33) How does the opposite sex generally see you? Cute and quirky. welcoming, vibrant, and engaging. And hopefully a bit sexy.
34) How did your first breakup turn out? Wretched. talk about pooping on your self esteem. I’m fine now, but damn...I still get leery.
35) Are you single? a singleton.
36) Do you ever get jealous when your partner talks about their exes? No, because I’m with them and not the person they are talking about.
37) Do you talk about your ex(s) to your partner? No, no need to unless something really comes up to tell a story.
38) Do you keep secrets from your partner? no - I don’t have one at the moment
39) Do they keep secrets from you? I don’t have one at the I don’t know.
40) Do your friends give their input about your relationships? yes.
41) Who's your best friend? Stacy, Mark, Jace and Annie.
42) Ever lost a friend? Unfortunately, yes,
43) Who? That was then and it might work out might not. I don’t know.
44) How? Lack of trust and misunderstandings, mostly
45) Do you want others to check this out?Another trite questionare for me to fill out and put on my blog.