Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Paperwork and more paperwork

I am very tired of corporate BS. I'm very adaptable. I can go with the flow. I can change to suit the needs of my customers.

But I DO NOT LIKE to participate in retorical Bullshit called "Reports" or "Feedback Forms"

Each week...I fill out a form. AND I purposfully put down thinks I KNOW they want to know and hear. I once put a negative - but very valid - of information on said "feedback form" and was met with distain and incredulousness from the uppers.
Just because I said that the new cuts of the capri pants were NOT fitting the asses of my customers.
(I didn't quite put it that way...but I diplomatically put it in those terms.)

What the hell. I'm just doing good customer service and believe me...I think your ass should be properly covered at all times.

Baseball Lust

Ryan Braun
Nuff said.

I'm not a huge baseball fan, but this guy in his rookie year suprised the most cynical of baseball fans and won the hearts of Brewers fans - not to mention the female fans.
One look at this fella and well...
Just one of the many pleasures of summer....

When the pictures at the Joynt come alive!

So my friend, Dave, and I were at the Joynt about a month ago...not a suprise.
We were sitting at the front table and I am facing the picture to the left of this text. It is in the upper left corner of the Joynt. Thru the whole bar there are large pictures of all the artists that once played there. It's an amazing sight to see.
A man and a woman park their bicycles in front of the window where are table is. I look at the couple and then look up at the picture. I do a triple take at the man and look at the picture.
Dave asks me if I'm ok. I said, I know that guy that just walked in. I met him in high school. He won't remember me, but he's also that picture that is above you.
Dave takes a look, then looks at the guy and says, "Wow, you're right"
I said..."Good. I was a bit worried that I've had to much to drink. A picture was coming alive in the Joynt. If any more pictures come to life - like John Lee Hooker or Koko Taylor - you cut me off."

You never know what you might see at the Joynt.

I will not settle

I'm facing an eerie reality.
My friend, Jillian, told me that the latest statistic is that women over the age of 28 are unmarriable.


I don't hear a tick tock
I don't feel maternal pangs.
I just want a partner and friend.
AND I want to prove that statistic wrong.

And I have become more discernable and realistic when it comes to possible partners. I can look at someone and just listen to them for about an hour and know whether or not this is going to work. In fact, I've been able to tell someone that "I'm not the one" and feel very secure with it. It hurt to say it, but I feel better for doing so.
but I'm still hoping.