Thursday, May 05, 2005

In my house, My House

About 12 years ago....I threw a party. A good party. All of us wanted to die the morning after...but being the good hostess, as hung over as I was, I invited those non-comatose for a good fry up and Bloody's.
I heard this song and thought...mmm, back in the day.
I think that it's time to throw a party

Daft punk is playing at my house, my house
I’ll show you the ropes, kid, show you the ropes
Got a bus and a trailer at my house, my house
I’ll show you the ropes kid, show you the ropes
I bought fifteen cases for my house, my house
All the furniture is in the garage Well daft punk is playing at my house, my house
You got to set them up kid, set them up

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Nothing more than a pretty box

It's the same old story that technology has provided us...oh heck...I'll skip the techie rhetoric.
The iMac is in the shop and it doesn't look good.
Basically, it's a pretty Aqua box.
Damn you, Steven Jobs.
His new Mini Mac is cheaper...might have to go for that, but well, I might just have to live like everyone else.
To quote the song: Bill...I love you so, I always will. I look at you and see the empires Windows made...
I'll keep you posted. Then again, I might get to creatively blog again!!!


I said a profound statement the other day:
The euphoria generated by the delight of a new recipe for a casserole with cream of mushroom soup baffles the shit out of me.
I just don't get it.
But if you use the cheap store brand soup and not the Campbell's...It just doesn't taste right.
Here's a question for the world to ponder...
Peas in or peas on the side?
There are two schools of thought there and 'ner the twain shall meet.
Don't get me started on Jello!