Bawm - a - Chicka - bawm - bawm...
This is my horoscope for this week
Capricorn Horoscope for week of July 28, 2005
There are at least 20 different kinds of kisses, and the ancient Indian book Kama Sutra describes ten of them. Loving gazes and caresses come in an almost infinite variety, and the 2600-year-old book identifies a few of each. As for sexual positions, the Kama Sutra provides insight into how to perform 84. In the coming weeks, I suggest you explore the Kama Sutra or a text like it, Capricorn, because your astrological assignment is to be ingenious and experimental as you push past the frontiers of your sexual wisdom.
Oh boy! Goodie for me!
Ok...does this mean I'm going to have sex soon? Does this mean I'm Going to meet someone that will explore this with me? Or will someone come back into my life? New Frontiers or old places revisited?
Like Dr Suess says, "OH the places you'll go!"
Book me on the next plane, train or automobile.
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