On the Dole...again
Yep, I'm gainfully unemployed again.
I'm not that happy about it. It's bad juju at the moment. I got "laid off/let go" and told that although you can do the job, we are downsizing and your talents can be better used elsewhere.
Whatever. I don't think your boss swearing at you and dropping the F-bomb on you as he is berating you is a healthy place to be anyway. YES...he did that. He apologized to me, but there was a whole shift to the work dynamic ever since that day.
Plus...I have been activly looking for a new job and I think that one of them called to verify my employment. OOOps... c'est la vie.
Yes, I loved the music and I still have my students but because I have tits I am incapable of selling a guitar. I have no proof to be able to slap my boss's ass to the new millenium or in court, but subjugation runs rampant at the music store.
Bastard musicians.
So, I had an interview last week, 2 this week and one next...
The one next week is the one I REALLY REALLY want, but I'm not talking bout it because I don't want to be jinxed.
Say a prayer, light a candle or work the beads. Do whatever...please. I don't want to go and work at WalMart.
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