Saturday, April 16, 2005

You just have to...

I know I have sent you here before, but YOU HAVE to go and read Jay's blog. If there was one person I would choose to have as a would be Jamie.
Her blog kept me laughing and in perspective during the whole unemployment sabbatacal.
She's witty , snarky, insightful and says things that I have said,but haven't posted on my blog.
Her page at the moment had me rolling on the floor. As I was reading...they were playing the most awesome mix on the Current, so I was chairdancing and laughing hysterically. I'm suprised that I didn't wet myself...I was laughing that hard
SO GO THERE DAMNIT. Have a laugh. Some people tune into their talk shows for the "scooby" on life...I have the patron saint of the Rat Pack and all Classy Broads...St Vodka of the Martini.
Ta for now...


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