Thursday, December 21, 2006
Almost there...

Found this cartoon.
I need say no more.
5:00 pm on my is done.
Then there's after holiday shopping...that's not as bad. The bitches are already asking if we're having a big clearance sale.
Little do they know...markdowns aren't happening until long after the holidays are over...he he he .
I love it when the women that ONLY SHOP THE SALE RACKS get all pissy when the items that they want aren't marked down. Just yesterday they were bitching about how the Christmas merchandise wasn't marked f'ing hoo
I love it when they ask me "is it on sale?"
Well is always for sale.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm gonna turn 40...
Yes, I'm having a Sally/Harry moment. As they say in Bridget Jones' Diary: "Tick tock tick tock."
Am I freaking? no
Am I a bit anxious...yes. Too many strange dreams lately and my psyche is purging things at a time when my schedule isn't letting me process these things like I should. Damn.
Well...when life hands you lemons; Slice them up for cocktails!
Dream Deferred

I fell in love with this story...
A single woman, feeling that something was missing, so at the age of 40 or so, she decided to adopt a baby. She went to China and she came home with her little one...
Today the Chinese government announced some new laws that they are going to try and sanction for International adoption.
The first is that they are strongly advising against single person adoptions. (ok, that's fine with me, because i don't think I want to be a parent alone)
The next is that they are now thinking that the age cut off will be 40...anyone older will have to jump thru more hoops. And if you have any idea about the Chinese government...they have more burocracy than we have.
So today...I woke up knowing that one more choice was made for me without my consent. I turn 4o in 2 years and usually it takes a minimum of 22 months to complete the paperwork and screening. Odds are against me having my little one from China.
What I'm saying is...this dream doesn't look like it will happen.
So, I'll look to another dream.
But who knows...sometimes dreams do come thru.
Monday, December 18, 2006

Keeping secrets is an art. Sure, writing on one's blog allows a person to tell some of the things in his or her life without fully revealing everything.
Jack Vettriano's paintings hold a lot of secret meanings for me. I won't ever tell exactly which paintings hold more than a fond memory to me...but let's just say, I love his style. the man "Jack Vettriano"
Look at his style and form and subjects.
Succumbed to fashion

I befrended the Purse Kiosk people and I got me a couple of designer bags. A gorgeous BROWN suede Prada bag and a Louis Vuitton Bucket tote. YES...I won't be carrying a Coach bag all the time. I will actually be carrying a bag that is not black
Now the bags that if purchased retail... well, I'd be spending thousands of dollars. I love me a bargan and well... I did it.
I know. Shame on me.
Thank god they don't have shoes.
I'm such a label whore.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Joe Jackson days...

Stranger than fiction is just plain fun... and Be my Number Two are just two songs that are speaking about my state of my heart and head...
Holidays bring that out. You analyze it all you want and let my pretty little head know all is well...
Stranger Than Fiction Lyrics
Please mister can't you help me try to find my baby's house
It's three in the morning in the pouring rain
I can't find the house and i forgot the number
But I gotta give her these roses to relieve her pain
Don't laugh . . . just tell me you've been there before
So we fight but we fight every evening
And I tell you every morning
I just love her more
And life goes on . . . filled with disasters and friction
And life can be strange
But love can be stranger than fiction
Only love can be stranger than fiction
Excuse me operator . . . tell me what time it is
Me and my lover been in bed all day
I think I strained a muscleI didn't know I had
And tell me what day it is anyway
Don't laugh . . . just tell me you hear what
I sayI love her so much I don't even know what planet I'm on
Love her so much I wish she'd just go away
And life goes on . . . filled with bizarre contradictions
And life can be strange
But love can be stranger than fiction
Only love can be stranger than fiction
I know that sometimes love goes
But sometimes it comes back to getcha
And when love grows
It grows like a flower or grows like a tumor
Love shows that God has a sense of humor
Life goes on . . . ever immune to prediction
And life can be strange
But love can be stranger than fiction
Only love can be stranger than fiction
Be My Number Two Lyrics
Won't you be my number two
Me and number one are through
There won't be too much to do
Just smile when I feel blue
And there's not much left of me
What you get is what you see
Is it worth the energy
I leave it up to you
And if you got something to say to me
Don't try to play your funny ways on me
I know that it's really not fair of me
But my heart's seen too much action
And every time I look at you
You'll be who I want you to
And I'll do what I can do
To make a dream or two come true
If you'll be my
If you be my number two
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Dancing in the aisles
I don 't really get into Christmas music. I don't really get into Christmas, but I have had a bit of fun at work listening to the holiday music. Now, they haven't put on Adam sandler's "Hanukkah song" or a rousing version of "Dreydel dreydel dreydel

So...I get a rousing version of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and a steady diet of Tony Bennett. I'm liking this Christmas. But every once in a while, I get a wonderful song from Rosemary or Ella...amen
The other day, I was thrilled to hear the opening chords to my fave Christmas tune..."Christmas, Baby, please come home". I love the U2 cover and listen to it all year long, but as I was hoping to hear the familiar "Yeah" that Bono kicks it off with...a voice that I don't hear very often on the muzak system of work started to sing...
I was gobsmacked. I loved it. I actually started dancing and singing along, much to the chagrin of my manager. no one was in the store, but if this can get me just a trace of the holiday mood...bring it on.
Now, can I have a few from more artists like this. My Christmas retail hell would be bearable.
But "Let it snow" has got to go as well as "Winter Wonderland". I'm sick of these tunes already.
And I really hope by now that the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, got Clarence a new saxophone cuz he's been practicing real hard...
Santa Baby better slip something under my tree for me, too.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
After work...

I'm hopping in the tub.
I'm going to make it as hot as I can stand.
I am going to have a glass of wine
I am going to read my book
I am going to have some jazz on in the background
I am going to hope that I win the lottery.
And if I do...I'm calling in RICH .
Pardon me...I'm tired and just "peopled out". A bit of fantasy is in order. I keep reminding myself that this isn't forever.
3 weekends left! Not only a goal for me, but a reminder to those of you who haven't finished their shopping yet!
Modern Courtship?

You know... it's pretty interesting when a guy is trying to woo you and he sends you a picture of his truck and not one of himself.
This truck isn't the one that belogs to him, but I think you get my gist.
I'm thinking least he didn't send me a nude photo of just his penis.
It could happen.
Yes, I've read "Mars and Venus"... Men are visual, women are emotional.
Sure... a fast car would be fun. A convertable in the summer...
But if you're a regular here at my blog, you know that I have a strong adversion to Larry the Cable guy and fellas like him.
Need say no more.
Friday, December 08, 2006

Where there's Frank, Ella, Billie, Tom Waits, Tony Bennett and many others on the juke box
Where there was a letter to Ed Mercier on the string for over a year as well as a BC Pill packet and a wedding invitation and keys.
Gotta love the place
Music, booze, broads, Guys, great conversation...good times.
I must tell you Joynt stories....
IN and OUT

You have to go west for these.
You cannot even thing of getting something like this in Wisconsin.
These are better than any McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy's could imagine
The closest thing I can find that makes me just as happy is an Anchor Burger. But I choose not to freeze in Superior at the moment.
Yes, I'm hungry.
Just for my father...

(Please forgive me)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, fuck / Mother fuck, mother fuck, / Noich noich noich, / 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, / Noich, noich noich / Smokin' weed, smokin' wizz, / Doin' coke, drinkin' beers, / Drinkin' beers, beers, beers, / Rollin' fattys, smokin' blunts, / Who smokes the blunts? / We smoke the blunts. / Rollin' blunts and smokin'...
Teen #2: Uh, let me get a nickel bag.
Jay: [singing] / Fifteen bucks, little man, / Put that shit in my hand, / If that money doesn't show, / Then you owe me, owe me, owe, / My jungle love, yeah, / Owe-ee, owe-ee, owe, / I think I want to know ya, know ya, / Yeah, what? Teen #1: What the hell are you singing?
Jay: You don't know "Jungle Love?" That shit is the mad notes. Written by God herself and sent down to the greatest band in the world: The mother-fucking Time.
Teen #2: You mean the guys in that Prince movie? [Silent Bob points to the two teens]
Teen #1: Yeah, Purple Rain.
Teen #2: Man, that shit was so gay - fucking eighties style.
The scary thing...I was around for Purple Rain and I own a Morris day and the Time album. I know how to do the bird.
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lately, I've had a lot going on in my life. Work, personal...just stuff in general. I've been pretty good at compartmentalizing. Work has it's place. My health and family have a little section each. My personal life and friendships have a section also.
But when it is something really big...sometimes you have to put it neatly in a box. Sometimes the box is a shitty beat up thing reinforced with duct tape. Sometimes the box is just an old shoe box.
Sometimes the sittuation warrants a special box.
I found the right box for what I'm putting away.
I had a moment. I had plenty of time to people watch today at work, but I had this moment that just was incredible. Why am I posting this...go figure, but there was this guy that walked past my store 2 times. Both times he looked in and smiled. The second time, he looked right into my eyes and it was like one of those "we connected" moments. I had butterflies and quivers and all those girly things when you see this person that you are utterly attracted to. He looked like scruffy Chris Noth with glasses. This guy was tall and handsome and reminded me of Big and "Big" and Firth all in one. I had a smile on my face for quite a while and then...
Then the guy walked past one last time...and I saw his left hand and I saw the ring.
And I just looked at him, smiled and lifted my left hand to wave. The left hand wave says it can see my naked left finger and I'm being friendly.
He just smiled and winked.
(Now...Chris Noth was born and lived in Madison, WI when he was younger. He could have a brother... but...)
Sometimes messing with one's fantasies in real life can really screw up one's reality.
Don't ask me to expound, but trust me on this one.
And for just a moment...Today, Fantasy and reality collided. And if one isn't strong, it can really mess you up. I just got jolted by this one. But what a vision and what a feeling. And I'm ok and I liked it.
Things you see at work...

There are days that I love the mall. There are days that I hate the mall. Today was an ok day. I opened the store and made a pot of good coffee.
I had no customers in the store until 10:25 am and we opened at 9. (this is bullshit by the way)
I had plenty of time to do paperwork, to work on our stock and people watch. At about 9:45 am, I saw a guy that pretty much looked like the fella in the picture. Yes...I had a pseudo Kenny Rogers Sighting. PKRS. It Happens. There is a plethora of Kenny Look alikes.
Just see this and you will see :
I shit you not. The guy kinda looked like this fella, but my fella had a better mullett going on.
ANd in honor of the Hanukkah season soon upon us...Here is Rabbi Kenny.
(This shicksa goddess is diggin this Kenny. )

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Firsts and lasts...
I'm stealing this one from my sister and will be stealing some of her answers too...
Great new survey
Firsts and Lasts:
FIRST REAL BEST FRIEND? Paul Gilles in kindergarden. Wonder how that dude is?!
FIRST HIGH SCHOOL: Durand High School
FIRST CELL PHONE:A big ass Nokia trac phone back in 95!. I was cool though…I had a cell phone.
FIRST FUNERAL: Aunties when I was in third grade.
FIRST PET: Two stinky goldfish named Rainbow and Music that I shared with my sister…FIRST BIG TRIP: We went to Canada on a family vacation. Fell in love with Canada.
FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Viterbo College Choir Tour…Germany, Austria, Hungary. And yes, this was my first foray into my lust for foreign men…Primarily German men. Don’t ask, but I like them.
FIRST JOB: Radio DJ for the Voice of the Chippewa Valley, WRDN, 95.9 FM, 1430 AM, on the banks of the Chippewa River.
FIRST MYSPACE FRIEND: Isn’t that Tom dude everyone’s first friend?
-----------EVERYONE HAS THEIR LASTS ----------
LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: a friend I saw in the mall, Jodi
LAST CAR RIDE: the one that got me to the library. Car ride from someone else…Shotgun with mom.
LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Last night. Don’t ask.
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?:The truth about Cats and dogs..
LAST FOOD YOU ATE: Skippy (creamy) peanut butter on crackers
LAST REAL KISS? Um…I plead the 5th.
LAST ITEM BOUGHT? A new tube of Burt’s Bees Lip stick – Merlot. VERY PRETTY!
LAST SHIRT WORN: white crewneck – long sleeves under my Wisconsin Badgers Sweatshirt
LAST PHONE CALL: The last one i got was from Davie . The last one I made was to Gina.
LAST TEXT MESSAGE: “the door is open”
LAST THING YOU TOUCHED: My cell phone and this keyboard I’m typing on.
LAST TIME AT THE MALL: Last night. I closed the store. I’m going to the mall the next 4 days in a row. I either open or close. MALL RATS IS TRUE!
LAST TIME YOU WERE EXCITED FOR SOMETHING? Um, October was a way exciting month…between California and Chicago. Now, I’m looking forward to my birthday – I think. Oh and seeing Halloween, Alaska tomorrow.
LAST PERSON YOU SAW: the librarian, Before that….the man that fixed my furnace.
LAST TIME YOU WERE REALLY HONESTLY HAPPY?: Um…I’m working on that. Overall, I’m pretty happy, but truly estatic and over the top bliss….um, I can’t really go into it, but I was pretty happy.