Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dancing in the aisles

I don 't really get into Christmas music. I don't really get into Christmas, but I have had a bit of fun at work listening to the holiday music. Now, they haven't put on Adam sandler's "Hanukkah song" or a rousing version of "Dreydel dreydel dreydel", but they have a great cover band of the Beatles that sings your fave christmas tunes to the same chord progressions of your Fave Beatles tunes. They are called the "Fab Four" and sound JUST LIKE THE BEATLES! I'm lovin them.
So...I get a rousing version of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and a steady diet of Tony Bennett. I'm liking this Christmas. But every once in a while, I get a wonderful song from Rosemary or Ella...amen
The other day, I was thrilled to hear the opening chords to my fave Christmas tune..."Christmas, Baby, please come home". I love the U2 cover and listen to it all year long, but as I was hoping to hear the familiar "Yeah" that Bono kicks it off with...a voice that I don't hear very often on the muzak system of work started to sing...
I was gobsmacked. I loved it. I actually started dancing and singing along, much to the chagrin of my manager. no one was in the store, but if this can get me just a trace of the holiday mood...bring it on.
Now, can I have a few from more artists like this. My Christmas retail hell would be bearable.
But "Let it snow" has got to go as well as "Winter Wonderland". I'm sick of these tunes already.
And I really hope by now that the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, got Clarence a new saxophone cuz he's been practicing real hard...
Santa Baby better slip something under my tree for me, too.


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