"They tried to make me go to rehab....but I said
NO NO NO!!!"
Amy Winehouse. WOW. Where can I begin. Sadly, her album - excluding the "REHAB" song - is pretty ding dang good. A huge homage to Motown, Aretha Franklin, throw in a bit of Dusty (sorry, Dusty) and a whole lot of whitebread soul.
It's really good, has a great beat and is easy to dance to!
But the singer...
well, my fave pic of her was in a mag "liberating" some beer from a neighboring band's trailor at 10 in the morning at the Chuchilla Festival.
Um, Amy...if you've been pulling an all-nighter/all day drink fest (yes, it can happen) you can maybe ASK your neighbor for some beers if you have run out, but you don't steal your neighbor's beer. (SHIT...I learned that the first week of college)
Amy's new hubby has a smack problem. Amy has cancelled all of her US tour, MTV and All award programs due to either the excuses of "FLU" or exhaustion
NO AMY...you've been on a year long bender, you're hung to the gills, you're out of coke or smack and you're damn tired
Yet, I love her album.
Well...I'm predicting that Jimi Hendrix is saving a spot for her at his great nightclub in the sky. She might be singing back up for Otis Redding pretty soon if she keeps it up.