Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fall Fashion Week in my Hometown

Well, at work, we got all the latest fashion magazines to be aware of all the trends for fall. I read them. YEAH...WHATEVER!
But when I went home...I found out that the local CO-OP Farmer Store is having fashion week too!!!
mmm....something black with maybe cute little rivets.
Makes me wonder what the hidden life of some of the people I grew up with really is like...

PBR Happiness! a new hat at a thrift sale. It is one of those crocheted jobbies...ya know. You've seen them - they have the cut out can sides and then they are crochted around...they are retro tacky cool
Well this is my fave naked Indian in the PBR hat at the Joynt.
I coulda sold this hat for $50 that night!!!
Too cool.

Um...pardon the following posts

I have been on haitus a bit from the blogging scene, but I feel like I can and should be back with full force and a vengance.
I've had some time to observe and ponder and is the time to rant and vent and just blather about all the things that have been going on in my pretty little head!
So...the next few sound like vodka laden rants,but actually it is a sunday afternoon and I'm dead sober...not if you count the diet coke and the piece of chocolate I have been eating!
So watch out...

Vodka...the great equalizer

Ok...I've said it many times, but you have to admit, it has some valid points.
Carrie and the girls refer to it...
Bridget Jones - after a messy break-up - finds that
"Vodka and Chaka Kahn" do wonders.
So the other night...I bought my friend a vodka tonic and myself a vodka gimlet at my favorite "spot" (THE JOYNT)
and well...we talked and just relaxed and well....
we sat next to each other, barely talking , just people watching and having a nice unwind, without having to worry about entertaining each other...that we just needed to chill out due to the craziness of the week and the full moon. I told her...when you're able to sit in the silence with a friend and be comfortable...that is a really good thing.
(Then we went to Wendy's and got some chili)
It's all in moderation...but I'm still telling you.... it's the great equalizer.

someone's contract rider

Ok...working with artists has let me look at contract riders. Some are pretty famous - like having to pick out all the brown M&M's from the Van Halen candy dishes. Or the specific amount of new clean white towels and special water, meat trays or import beer...
Shit...ask away and if it is possible, I'll get it for you. (Ain't that right, Michael Feldman of Whaddya Know Fame and just ask Mim the shit she put up with...)
is this on our Prez' contract rider for when he has to give the state of the union address?
I got to hand it to him if it is...GO GEORGE.
A little Jack can do a man wonders...
Now this is just a thought people.
And well...if you don't hear from me for a while, I might be away somewhere answering some questions.

My Current Favorite Musical Trainwrecks

"They tried to make me go to rehab....but I said
NO NO NO!!!"
Amy Winehouse. WOW. Where can I begin. Sadly, her album - excluding the "REHAB" song - is pretty ding dang good. A huge homage to Motown, Aretha Franklin, throw in a bit of Dusty (sorry, Dusty) and a whole lot of whitebread soul.
It's really good, has a great beat and is easy to dance to!
But the singer...
well, my fave pic of her was in a mag "liberating" some beer from a neighboring band's trailor at 10 in the morning at the Chuchilla Festival.
Um, Amy...if you've been pulling an all-nighter/all day drink fest (yes, it can happen) you can maybe ASK your neighbor for some beers if you have run out, but you don't steal your neighbor's beer. (SHIT...I learned that the first week of college)
Amy's new hubby has a smack problem. Amy has cancelled all of her US tour, MTV and All award programs due to either the excuses of "FLU" or exhaustion
NO've been on a year long bender, you're hung to the gills, you're out of coke or smack and you're damn tired
Yet, I love her album.
Well...I'm predicting that Jimi Hendrix is saving a spot for her at his great nightclub in the sky. She might be singing back up for Otis Redding pretty soon if she keeps it up.

Our favorite New Mickey Mouse Club Alumni...BRITNEY SPEARS.

Christ on a triscut! I know that in the whole spectre of things, this woman doesn't even deserve her 15 minutes for us to watch this drama unfold.
It is like the car crash you can't look away from. Sad state of affairs for the poor girl, but I guess ya gotta grow up sometime. Fame is a bitch. Money and the spotlight are full of pressures and well...having babies are the most serious thing in the world. They aren't like a pet...
Just get it together, Brit!


yes, the boys that brought you "Mmmmmm Bop" have a new album out.

Now, wake up on a sunday morning - around 8:30 am and have NPR playing this really infectious pop music that sounds like Maroon 5 meets Chuck Prophet meets Jason Rouse meets Ryan Adams.
Cool stuff!!!
and really wake up and find out Hanson has a new album out and they are being interviewed on National Public Radio about the release.
Talk about a whole different alarm clock!
And ya know was good stuff. I just might have to check it out, but I'll never admit it!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Friend, Dave is living in Chicago now. I miss him terribly. He is the most funny most caring and just the greatest to be around....especially after a grueling day in retail hell.
So..we keep in touch via email and text and phone and well...
we know wherever we are we will find each other and know all is well in the world
This is Dave with his new girlfriend, Kathi Griffith....mmmm, just cuz she's famous, he dropped me. (Maybe I'm just not snarky enough!)

What's up?!?

Well, what can I tell you...
Nothing. Hence the lack of postings.
It's been work sleep and then more work.
But losing 25 lbs in the last 2 months have been the bonus to it all.!!!

I will post more. Promise.