Sunday, September 30, 2007

someone's contract rider

Ok...working with artists has let me look at contract riders. Some are pretty famous - like having to pick out all the brown M&M's from the Van Halen candy dishes. Or the specific amount of new clean white towels and special water, meat trays or import beer...
Shit...ask away and if it is possible, I'll get it for you. (Ain't that right, Michael Feldman of Whaddya Know Fame and just ask Mim the shit she put up with...)
is this on our Prez' contract rider for when he has to give the state of the union address?
I got to hand it to him if it is...GO GEORGE.
A little Jack can do a man wonders...
Now this is just a thought people.
And well...if you don't hear from me for a while, I might be away somewhere answering some questions.


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