'Splain Lucy....
It is spring and everybody is coming out of the woodwork.
But it is just a question that I really want to have answered.
When a bartender dresses up like the owner of your favourite bar...
Bill Nolte, proprietor and barkeep extraordinare... is on the left.
Chris, the bartender is on the right...as Nolte.
Nolte ALWAYS wears a blazer, and a button. That's his uniform and he looks pretty good. And he really liked Chris' costume.
Friends at the Joynt... Forensics people....the lady on the right is Bonnie Knight. She Judged me in HS and now we judge and hang at the Joynt together after. The Guy behind her is Steve. He judges too, and quite often he's at the Joynt and we rehash the worst of the worst that we have judged. We can be pretty pretty vicious.
I saw this on POSTSECRET and thought of my sister... Then again, I'm a book whore also. I love getting lost in a book. What are you reading now?
Another Getting to know you survey...call it four warning....