Friday, March 30, 2007

'Splain Lucy....

Somebody has got to explain a few things to me...really.
Why is it that when you are involved with someone, you suddenly become attractive to many people? Whereas, when you were single and didn't have a soul...ya barely got noticed?
It is happening
It is spring and everybody is coming out of the woodwork.
But it is just a question that I really want to have answered.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

When a bartender dresses up like the owner of your favourite bar...

Bill Nolte, proprietor and barkeep extraordinare... is on the left.
Chris, the bartender is on the Nolte.

Nolte ALWAYS wears a blazer, and a button. That's his uniform and he looks pretty good. And he really liked Chris' costume.

Fucking Ted
or Wais..ted.

Ted with a jar of peas and carrots.

I don't want to know.

Reflections on the Joynt

Friends at the Joynt... Forensics people....the lady on the right is Bonnie Knight. She Judged me in HS and now we judge and hang at the Joynt together after. The Guy behind her is Steve. He judges too, and quite often he's at the Joynt and we rehash the worst of the worst that we have judged. We can be pretty pretty vicious.

Now, my dad is asking for me to take him to the Joynt after the meets...this is a real delemma. I am a legacy when it comes to the Joynt. A 2nd Generation and he was there first, but now it's my place to be. Such a moral clause to ponder...

These are the pretty glasses all clean and ready for beer. and may not order light beer. There's a neon sign that says NO LIGHT BEER. Light beer is for pussies anyway...

The view of the Joynt from the bar. This is THE spot that Becky and I usually plunk our fannies down. Our SPOT. Everyone needs their own spot.

Book whore

I saw this on POSTSECRET and thought of my sister... Then again, I'm a book whore also. I love getting lost in a book. What are you reading now?
I am right now finishing "So Many books, So little Time" - a memoir where a woman reads a book a week (sometimes two) and cronicles her life. Because of this book...I have a list of Must READS that is now up to 32 books.
"Truck: A love Story" by Michael Perry.
Lives down the road. Opens chapter 13 talking about The Joynt, falls in love, and just talks about life in Western Wisconsin in that wonderful way. This guy is better than Klosterman. (Don't kill me, Tucker. But he's pretty damn good)
Marjorie Morningstar, by Herman Wolk.
A very dated book, but the first book on the list from the book above. I actually like it.
I realized how important words are.
And I never trust anyone who doesn't read.

Stats do prove a point

A mathematical chart reflecting the necessity of vodka being a great equalizer.

There are days when one does need the proof that a peson should have a martini once in a while.


Four things about...

Another Getting to know you it four warning....
Pardon the pun

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Bartender/Waitress
2. Senior Center Director
3. Receptionist
4. Assistant Manager of A clothing Store
Movies I have watched over and over:
1. Bridget Jones' Diary
2. The Committments
3. Notting Hill
4. The Matchmaker
Four Places I have lived:
1. La Crosse, WI
2. Superior, WI
3. Stillwater, MN
4. New Richmond, WI
Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Great Performances
2. Sex in the City
3. Emeril (with my mom...Yeah, Babe!)
4. What Not To Wear
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Madaline Island, WI
2. Chicago, IL
3. Thunder Bay, Ontario
4. Los Angeles, CA
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pat's Special salad
2. Dragon Roll Sushi
3. Swedish Oven Pancake
4. Warm Vanilla Pudding.
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. On a beach with a book
2. at a concert...
3. The Joynt
4. cuddling