Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crush on a Lunchbox

Kevin Smith

yes, Kevin Smith.

I love his movies. It is intellectual adolescent humor. (Is that an oxymoron?) I mean...the man is well versed in pop culture, he has helped to re-write many a screenplay - some of which would surprise you, and he is quite intelligent. He also was an exec producer of an Oscar winning film (Good Will Hunting)
Go figure.
I'm reading his book - "My Boring Ass Life" and I'm laughing out loud. He is like the male version of Jen Lancaster. He bitches about his dogs - So does Jen. He bitches about having to write and take care of stuff - so does Jen. He rants and gushes about his spouse - so does Jen. And both equally do it from the male and female perspective respectfully.
But the book has made Kevin a bit more endearing to me. And yes...he's my fave lunchbox.


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