Monday, March 06, 2006

Too Many Bubbas

I saw something that made me realize a fashion trend for mainstream men. You know the guys that are around 18 to 38. Ok - think Larry, the Cable Guy.

You seeI just noticed that my landlord wears this attire and has the same facial hair and everything and it scares me. Our custodian at work has a full fledged mullet and Larry Hair the term I use for that little mustache beard combo. I passed a new ENVOY with a window sticker that says GET ER DONE and the driver had Larry Hair and the cap. I walked into the local bar (for fish fry, ya know) and at the bar was 5 of them and one was wearing an Amateur Porn Star t-shirt. I went to happy hour with the girls last week. At one end of the bar was a few of them too. And as we were leaving, a few more were coming in.

So do they all shop at Wal-Mart? And my mullet hunting has been more successful. I do wish I had a camera phone, but the memory would be wiped out as well as the battery life.
The Blue Collar Comedy tour is the most popular and successful tours in the last few years. Larry is a multi-millionaire. Not such a stupid Bubba of a man, is he now?!?

But you have to admitthe 4X4 trucks are pretty popular with the gun racks and the Mossy Oak Sun Shield and the NRA or W stickers. Its like being a Bubba is cool.

To quote an article I just saw:
I like to call this the "Bubbafication Factor." As a country, We are becoming
more simplistic, more reactionary, more morally severe, more ... Well, stupid. ...

Maybe Im just noticing it, but this is scary.
There is nothing more in this world than I hate is stupid people. I have NO flippin time for dumb people. THINK before you speak. THINK before you do anything. JUST THINK.
And some people in my hometown wonder why I'm still single


Blogger Tony Pucci said...

da skeery ting is
dey gots guns!
bang bang bambie!
nuthin' sez sexxxy like
blaze orange, camo,
sausage, beer and da packers

psssst...i know why you're single!

12:38 AM  

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