Tuesday, December 06, 2005

In the news today...

BAGHDAD, Iraq Dec 6, 2005 — Saddam Hussein shouted Tuesday that he will not return "to an unjust court" when it convenes for a fifth session the following day. As the end of the session, when the judges decided to resume the trial Wednesday, Saddam suddenly shouted: "I will not return. I will not come to an unjust court! Go to hell!"
Saddam also complained that he had no fresh clothes and had been deprived of shower and exercise facilities. "This is terrorism," he said.

He quotes “This is terrorism”.
What I have to say: Well KETTLE…this is the pot and you’re black. And my all time favourite…Boo f’ing Hoo!You got a roof over your head, you get 3 squares, you get your time to pray to Mecca and….AND !!!! You are so fucking lucky to be alive. If I would have been one of the fellas that found you in your little dirt bunker, it would have taken every ounce of willpower to not blow you away. I’m only a little blonde from Wisconsin, but there are many many more people that want you gone more than myself. (I don't wish nastiness on anyone, but this is Saddam Hussein, people. He's nuttier than a shit house rat...yet, crazy as a fox and I still don't trust him. His minions are still alive and well.)
Your actions during this trial just prove to me and the world how crazy you really are. So don't show up tomorrow for your own trial. And let your own delusions dictate your actions.
Give me a break.
Karma, baby. Karma.


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