Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I betcha...

You think I'm Nutters
That I've gone off the deep end
Let me tell you something crazy.
It's holiday season here and we have secret snowflakes dropping off suprises. Well, a co-worker got a bag of peanut M&M's in his mailbox today. He does NOT have a Secret Snowflake. ( First - oh boy) . SO he goes and asks all of us team members and we have no answer about it. Then he goes and asks the receptionists and they tell him that a girl that came in for an interview put them in there for him and gave him her name. ( Second - Oh boy). Then he found out that this said girl has a 2nd interview for our department and might be joining our team. (Third - OH BOY)
Now why is this crazy...
ok -
1. This said Girl is an ex- girlfriend of my team member. To quote: "She's my psycho ex girlfriend".
2. This co worker is newly engaged to a lovely girl that is a tad bit jealous and if she finds out, he's in trouble big time.
3. If this said "psycho ex girlfriend" joins our team...all hell will be breaking loose.
Basically I told him you have to learn how to figure out which is getting peanut M&M's everyday while you are at work worth it or dealing with icky ex girlfriend from hell stuff?
He said it was a tough call.

And you thought I was loosing it.
I don't leave M&M's for people. I'm pretty blunt when I want to shower affection on someone. I make sure that they know.
I also know when to leave things alone.
I'll keep you posted on the workplace fun.

ANd oh...what am I crazy about today....
They are my bread and butter, but I"m in a mood today.
Like I said, tomorrow will be just fine.


Blogger Tony Pucci said...

Yeouch, that is like, soooo not a good situation! It'll all go to hell, trust me! But if it happens, it'll be fun to read about the details here. Better him than me, I say.

2:33 AM  

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