Monday, November 14, 2005

It's that time of year again!

Guess what kids? It's survey time!!!! Believe it or not some of the questions are different and some of my answers have changed.
What time is it? 4:00 pm
1. Your name as it appears on your Birth Certificate? Martha Emily
2. Name most people call you? Martha, Marfa, Marda, Mart
3. Parent's names? Mommy and Daddy, or J. Henry and Sharon. Don’t call my mom “MA” – you can call her the “War Lord” but not MA
4. Number of candles on your last birthday cake? NO cake. And I don’t think that candles would be a good thing.
5. Favorite music group? Is this a trick question?
6. Favorite animal? Monkey. Or ZOMBIE!
9. Tattoo?. A pink daisy
10. Where did you put it? My left big toe.
11 Piercing? Just my ears at the moment.
12. Birthplace? Prairie du Sac, WI.
13. Favorite vacation spot? Somewhere I have been—Grand Canyon/Arizona Desert, Dream Vacation—London, or a week at the Guest house on the big island of Hawaii, Weekend Retreat—Madeline Island
14. Ever Been to Africa? No – never thought of it...
15. Stolen any traffic signs? Nope. I behaved. Amazing, huh?
16. Ever been toilet papering YES! He he
17. Ever been in a car accident? Yes, I had a roll over after an ice storm. I’m very happy to be here and the sheriff’s deputy is still amazed I’m singing and dancing.
18. Croutons or bacon bits? Sunflower seeds.
19. Salad Dressing? Raspberry vinaigrette
20. Favorite Pie? Right now…mmm.. I like some banana crème at the moment.
21. Favorite Number? 3 is still a magic number.
22. Favorite Movie? OH you have to ask…the list is huge and it depends on my mood. This list is going to be a separate blog listing and why I like them.
23. Favorite Color? Purple and pink
24. Favorite Holiday? Come on??!!!??? Valentine’s Day, of course.
25. Favorite food? Warm vanilla pudding. At the moment, I’m digging on comfort food.
26. Favorite restaurant? I’ve been in a Mexican food mood. I still love Shanghai Bistro, Mona Lisa’s and Kincaid’s in St Paul is my absolute to die for gastronomic Disneyland.
27. Favorite fast food restaurant? Culvers
28. Favorite drink? Coke, Coffee, Water, Hot milky Earl Gray Tea,
29. Favorite ice cream? Coldstone Vanilla or their Banana flavored, but the Raspberry crème from Culvers has to be divine.
30. Favorite day of the week? Monday Monday…can’t trust that day. Monday’s have got to be alright; full of hope and chaos. It changes.
31. Favorite brand of body soap? Dove
32. Favorite TV shows? You know…I don’t have cable anymore but I borrow some DVD’s of shows. I adore “Sex in the City”. I ‘get’ it now. I like the food channel, Biography on A&E, Mim has me watching the Gilmore Girls and Tucker tells me that I have to watch “Couplings” from the BBC
33. Toothpaste? Crest
34. Most recently read book? Ummm….I’m still in the middle of “Nicholas and Alexandra” (about the last Czar and Czarina of Russia) and started “Shopgirl” by Steve Martin. I read “The Confederacy of Dunces” last month and that was just plain bizarre.
35. Favorite Smell? Roses, that shower clean smell, the first day of school smell,
36. Favorite Sound? Genuine laughter, the stereo in my new car playing some lush tune, the waves rolling in on the lake.
37. What do you do to relax? Um…I plead the 5th.
38. When was your last hospital visit? When I got my bee sting…or my panic attack. Just ER visits. God, where’s the cute doctors like George Clooney and shit when you’re feeling icky.
39. How many times did you fail your driver's test?! None! Take that MIM!
40. What do you do when you are bored? I wish I could get bored.
41. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Wedding Crashers. My gut hurt after I left the theatre because I laughed so hard.
42. Eye color? Blue…they get green when I cry.
43. Love someone so much it made you cry? I cry. Simple as that…I cry.
44. Favorite flower? Pink Roses, Iris
45. Favorite sport to watch? Wal-Mart Shoppers The day after Thanksgiving
46. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
47. What color is your bedroom carpet? Green shag. I miss the purple shag of the love nest…but oh well, green shag.48. Before this one, from who did you get your last email from? Work: A lawyer telling me he can’t make a deadline. Personal: Tony telling me about his new CD
49. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Realistically….Apple Store or IKEA. In my dream world…the stores on Michigan Avenue. I would love a new bauble from Tiffany’s and a pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps.
50. Bedtime?? 11:05 pm.
51. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Annie in CZ or Angela Merkel
52. Last person you went out to dinner with? Gina
53. Duct tape or just Rope? Duct tape fixes everything but the concept of rope just gets my mind thinking WAY too much.
54. What are you listening to right now? The hum of the humidifier and flamenco guitar music.
55. Lake, Ocean or river? Lake to look at, Ocean to swim and look at, river to look at and float lazily on while drinking beer
56. Which came first? God or Evolution? GOD
57. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? I’m just posting this
58. Furthermost place you'll send this message- Shoot, I am not sure who reads my blog. But if you are a stranger (as in I have never met you before and you just stumbled upon this site) let me know where you are from.
59. Who will respond the fastest? No bloody idea
60. Least likely to respond? Tony Blair
61.What time is it now? 4:20. HE HE HE


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