Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sweet Gooey Guilt

Ding Dang.
Jumbo Honeybuns.
yes, JUMBO Honeybuns.
My hometown has a wonderful bakery and I am a sucker for a good pastry. Their glazed donuts rival anything from Krispy Kreme.
Well...while shopping for groceries - which you should never ever do while hungry - I stumbled upon these lovelies and they are cheap.
So, on the way home from EC, I ate the said Honeybun and damn...they taste so very very good. Really, for a pre-packaged, preservative laden treat this was mighty tasty. I fould taste the ingredients and lets just say I know there was some forbidden fat in the recipie.
Then I got home
Then I read the nutritional facts. To quote Diablo Cody - Sweet Bride of Fuck!
600 calories.
Six Hundred F'ing Calories. And Palm Oil...which has been known to instantly clog a major artery.
Now losing 40 lbs and still at it has made me more than aware of what is going in my mouth,but this was a bit too much for me. Needless to say, I watched everything I ate the next day and even walked the mall twice. I got on the scale and I'm fine, but was a scare.
Needless to say, there will be no more honeybun feasts for me for a long time.


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