Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Now, I come from a town that has an amazing bakery. I would walk miles for their bismarks or their glazed donuts. But in Canada, I had the privledge of going to a place that MASS MARKETS these beautiful glazed donuts. Krispy Kreme has NOTHING on Tim Hortons. But no one can touch the Durand Bakery.
SO why am I going on about glazed donuts? Well Miss Diablo Cody posted this blog and I am letting you read it here:

Tim Bit Sundae
Current mood: Full
(I apologize in advance for the sheer ass-scratching pointlessness of this story.)
As you know, I tend to get super jazzed about foodstuffs. Every day on set, I'm excited to see what the nice catering people have prepared for my insatiable maw. Today, I yelped with glee when we assembled at the truck and I saw that there were Tim Bits for dessert. (Tim Bits, for non-Canucks, are donut holes from Tim Horton's. They're exactly like Dunkin Donuts Munchkins; wee bliss nuggets with a wet-dream glaze.)
"TIM BITS!" I shrieked as I raced toward the truck, arms pinwheeling wildly.
"Better," a disembodied voice (cast? crew?) intoned dramatically. "Tim Bit sundaes."
Sweet bride of fuck. You take some Tim Bits-- just Tim Bits, curiously, no ice cream-- put them in a bowl (oh yes), add CARAMEL and HOT FUDGE and RASPBERRY SAUCE and CRUSHED NUTS and then you grab the Redi-Whip and give that bitch a pearl necklace.
FUUUUUUUCK!It is the dessert equivalent of a failure pile in a sadness bowl. Except perfect and delicious and right.
Yum. Mama's tummy is pet-python distended.
I LOVE DIABLO...Christ on the Freeway...gotta try this sometime. MMmmmm.


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