Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Mimi on LLG

My sister delivered the Eulogy for our grandma. She was pretty emphatic to everyone, especially the pastor that she had to go before my singing otherwise she’d never be able to get through it at all. I respect my sister a ton and matter what, singing is going to be tough for go first.
She was great. She read traditional readings and then she told her story of gram.
Gramma was a lady that liked routine and always did things a certian way. She even took care of my sister by routine. I was off to school, mom and dad were at work and Miriam stayed home with gramma.
At 8:30 am, Grandma would make Miriam breakfast. Miriam says “ Yes, she would give a 3 year old a choice of what they wanted for breakfast much to the dismay and displeasure of my parents. But she always made me my favorite...rice crispies with sliced bananas and a bunch of sugar on top - like I needed sugar.”
I’ll finish the story as Miriam told it -
”Then we had our routine together. At 9 am, we would watch Sesame Street and then at 10, we would watch the Price is Right. At 11, was our story, The Young and the Restless and at 12 noon, we would watch the channel 4 WCCO news to watch Don Shelby. Grandma always had a crush on Don Shelby. Then Grandma would put me down for a nap.
“When she would put me down, or wake me up, or most of the time when she was making my breakfast, grandma would always be humming this song. The song was pretty and she always hummed it, but I never knew what it was. I didn’t know until I heard it one day and it was this song. I can’t sing. My sister is the singer and she sings like a lark. But I want to share the lyrics with you as my way of saying goodbye to my grandma...”
And Then my sister started to recite the lyrics to the song and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Here’s the song...

I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day and through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children carrousel
The chestnut trees
The wishing well

I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way

I'll find in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you

It was beautiful, and I remember grandma humming the song too.
And then it was my turn to go and sing...I had a hard time following that, but I was singing for Gramma.

Miriam wrote this on her blog and I want to share this:

“I am not one to speak ill of the dead ( who the hell am i trying to kid?), but Grandma wasn't the most chipper of individuals. Granted, if I was 95, had lost much of my independence and freedom (though she still had her hair and dammit, it is gorgeous!), i would probably be a little pissed too. My hope for Grandma is that she is finally happy, sitting with Grandpa again, drinking her vodka tonics at the Elk's club in the sky. If you are reading this Grandma, i did do a bang-up job on the eulogy. And the funeral procession went by the Elk's club one last time for you. And we all cried. And we all miss you. And we hope you are smiling.”

yes, gramma....I hope you are smiling.


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