Tuesday, August 24, 2004

On Serendipity

Listening to within... Posted by Hello
Serendipity: Making valuable discoveries by accident.
Happy accidents...
It's my favourite word. It's a great word...one that lends hope and wonderment and explains oh so many things.
I knew that when spring rolled around, my life would be come very serendipitious. I just had this feeling. And when a person steps out of the box and chooses to be authentic...things happen. I have seen places that have taken my breath away, done things I never imagined I would, met people that have made permanent marks in my life,said goodbye to people both dead and living, sang songs, cried huge tears, and laughed a million laughs. And I have discovered so much. Funny thing, I don't think this course of discovery is over...for a long time yet.
I miss some people, I wish I could go back and see some more things, and maybe relive a few moments or two, but through it all...I have no regrets. I sigh a contented sigh.
Everything happens for a reason...everything unfolds just as it should.
And just hold on for the ride!


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