Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Old stomping Grounds

Kill them with Kindness... Posted by Hello

In two college roomate is getting married and I will be returning to my college town. Now, I know that there will be people that I haven't seen for years that I miss....and I also know that there will be people there that I haven't seen in years and have chosen not to.
Oh's "ghosts of boyfriends" past time! one person in now looking much older than I...and he was much younger than I back then. And I will get to meet his wife and smile politely and nod my head like I haven't a clue what the bastard is really like. Oh...and then there's the guy that would knock on my door at midnight. Cute, but no concept of time. Or better yet, the fella that begged me to wear "WindSong" perfume because he loved it....until I found out that that is what his mom wears. He doesn't stay on my mind....
Well...I have a kicky little black dress a lot like this one and some heels and I will dress "to the nines" that day and I will sing my heart out and love every minute of it. Knowing, that everything is well in my world and I'm lovin every minute of it. Kill em with kindness. And a little black dress and heels doesn't hurt either!


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