Parking at work!
Need I say more?
So...I decided to park in a different spot at work. You'd have thought the world was taken over by crazed homemakers wielding cheeze-wiz with olive sandwiches and lime jello.
ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! quote my sister... For the love of Pete..! It's just a parking place. But no, we had a major international incident about how "Ive always parked there" and "Im the bus driver and I should have a reserved parking place" and my favorite...."Who are you to park there?" (That deserved a middle finger)
I left my car parked in its spot.
Tough hop. quote my sister... For the love of Pete..! It's just a parking place. But no, we had a major international incident about how "Ive always parked there" and "Im the bus driver and I should have a reserved parking place" and my favorite...."Who are you to park there?" (That deserved a middle finger)
I left my car parked in its spot.
Tough hop.
Don't we have a major world events going on that are pretty horrific? Aren't there starving children out there somewhere? Isn't there a vacation I should be taking?
Well...I'll go back to my little spot on the road and let my car get pooped on, and tree crap and bugs on it. I know my vehicle is my precious POS, but dammit, it deserves some props once in a while.
And it's back to your "stanchions", ladies!
Well...I'll go back to my little spot on the road and let my car get pooped on, and tree crap and bugs on it. I know my vehicle is my precious POS, but dammit, it deserves some props once in a while.
And it's back to your "stanchions", ladies!
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