Monday, August 02, 2004

Parking at work!

Need I say more? Posted by Hello

So...I decided to park in a different spot at work. You'd have thought the world was taken over by crazed homemakers wielding cheeze-wiz with olive sandwiches and lime jello.
ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! quote my sister... For the love of Pete..! It's just a parking place. But no, we had a major international incident about how "Ive always parked there" and "Im the bus driver and I should have a reserved parking place" and my favorite...."Who are you to park there?" (That deserved a middle finger)
I left my car parked in its spot.
Tough hop.

Don't we have a major world events going on that are pretty horrific? Aren't there starving children out there somewhere? Isn't there a vacation I should be taking?
Well...I'll go back to my little spot on the road and let my car get pooped on, and tree crap and bugs on it. I know my vehicle is my precious POS, but dammit, it deserves some props once in a while.
And it's back to your "stanchions", ladies!


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