Friday, November 17, 2006

Gulity Pleasures Revisited

I have this habit of listening to a song over and over...
Right now, I have about 5 or so that have been on my hit list.
1 - "Just to see you smile" by Chuck Prophet.
A happy happy tune brought to me by Mark and Erika
2 - "Stranger than Fiction" - Joe Jackson
JOE JOE JOE...another man of snarky lyrics.
3. "King for a Day" XTC
One of those songs you just can't help to dance to. A ska like song
4. "Time" - Alice Peacock
PRETTY PRETTY song. I love her whole new album
5. "Have you seen the moon tonight" - A girl Called Eddy
This album is a gem. The influences of Brian Wilson, Burt Bacharach, Dusty, Chrissy Hynde, Elvis C and many more are so evident on this cd. This is especially pretty...the lyrics are amazing too...particularly to a romantic like me.
TAA for now


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