Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More Guilty Pleasures...

Ok, When you work the odd hours that I have been for the holidays, a girl has to find small things that make her happy in big ways. Here's a short list but BIG FUN

1. Merlot.
A glass of this and a bath and it's a full night's sleep
2. my cell phone.
It has been one of the only ways I have been able to keep in touch with people.
3. 60's Pop Music
um the short list of songs.
Crystal Blue Persuasion - Tommy James and the Shondells
"Don't you Care" - The Buckinghams
"A Summer Song" - Chad and Jeremy
"Am I the Same Girl" - Dusty Springfield
"Let's Get it On" - MARVIN GAYE
"Little bit me Little bit you" - Monkees
Sad to admit, but love the tunes.
4. Homemade caramels
My co-worker, Barb and I love these babies. They sell them 2 doors down at this little country shop
5. Victoria's Secret
Need I say more?

Ok...that's the top five for today.


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