Thursday, July 08, 2004

I need a vacation...

Not asking for much Posted by Hello

When this time of the year rolls wanderlust gets the better of me. I want out. Getting up in the morning is a beast - more than usual, because I am SOOOO not a morning person and just being at work is a drag. Worse yet, the people I enjoy being around just get on my nerves even more. And when I start thinking of looking for another job...then I know that I really need to get away.'s time to take off of work for an extended length of time. A thing called a vacation; a holiday.
Sure, I went North 2 weeks ago to a concert.(That is for another post) I dipped my toes into Lake Superior and proclaimed that all was right with the world - it's my little centering ritual. But 2 days does not make a vacation. I need to stay away from work long enough to not think about it while I'm gone.
So I'm open to suggestions...good cheap fun. I could stay in my house for a week, but the sad thing is I know my seniors and work will find me. I GOTTA GO!
And I don't need to have umbrellas in my drinks.


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