The Joy of Holidays
Merry Christmas!!!
Those of you who know me...know I dislike Christmas. It was always a busy time for our family with the flowershop. And my birthday is so close...If I had a dollar for everytime I heard "Oh, I got your Birthday and Christmas Present together...", I'd have a large nest egg. But Christmas time also really brings out the true nature in humans. People can be rude assholes at this holiday. Try Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve... You ask "What, in the name of Kenny Rogers, are you doing at Wal-Mart on Dec 24th?" Well, It was on the way back from visiting the relatives and we have to see if they have any more glass balls on sale.
Now, the glass ball story will be saved for another posting with a picture of my parent's christmas tree...actually it is Henry's tree (my dad). The tree looks like Liberace blew up all over it or a little piece of a Las Vegas extravaganza in the living room. This past year's tree had over 500 balls and 700 lights...we asked him to tone it down.
I'm seriously trying to change my attitude about the Holiday season. That's why I'm starting now. I just might get to a "festive" mood when the day rolls around.
Anyway...a friend sent me this to remind me that we have less than 6 months of shopping days till the big day.
I think Grandpa really is sharing that holiday spirit. This is my kind of Christmas.
(and notice the nice sedate Chrismas tree...)
Fa la la la la la
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