Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Retail Hell part Deux

So at about 9:20 on Tuesday night... the Macy's store was closed and we were still open. Not a soul in the mall because who the hell is shopping after 9 pm in the mall.
I'm straightening the tables up front and all of a sudden I hear a man yelling at the top of his lungs...
Well, ok, yes it is. And Mister...whoever you are, I owe you a big one. You hollared out what many of us think every day.
You see the mall has certian hours we must abide by EXCEPT the big name stores (Macy's, Sears Penny's, etc...)
We smaller stores and the kiosks must stay open.
AND the mall will fine you if you close early.
Needless to say...someone else was not happy with the concept of retail hours at the mall.
Keep checking... I'll keep letting you know the lovey things about retail hell.


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